Friday, 22 February 2013

Is there anybody out there?

Going back to my earlier post about social circles, I've been doing a bit of searching on line for people who are just starting out in papercrafts, learning to make cards, thinking about maybe selling them later, people like me.

I'm finding loads and loads of people who know what they are doing, who are posting video tutorials, talking about the top ten this or that, and doing give-aways of things they have made. These people are great in terms of learning techniques and seeing how things can be done really well. But I feel a little lonely out here in the blogosphere as a newbie.

It would be really good to be part of an online community of people in the same boat as me. I wonder if there is a directory anywhere of papercraft bloggers, or a good twitter list of newbies to follow?

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Enveloped by envelopes

I'm a little bit confused by envelope sizes - if anyone can advise me I'd be very grateful!

I've been making a few cards but I haven't been making envelopes - I should probably learn but I just haven't got round to it yet. I was hoping I could buy some plain ones the right size - particularly to go with an A6 butterfly card I have just finished.

A few searches on line seemed to indicate that I needed to buy C6 envelopes for A6 cards, so that's what I ordered, but when they came they were just a little too big.

This first one shows the A5 card laid across the front of the C6 envelope (it's plain silver card - ignore the reflections!). 

This one shows the same card laid across the back- it's easier to see in this one the difference in size. 

The envelope will certainly hold the card and will probably be ok in the post, but it doesn't look quite professional, it looks a little too obvious that the envelope wasn't made specifically for this card. 

I'm a little bit confused, and like I say - if you can advise on what envelope size I should be buying for A6 cards - or even better if you can recommend somewhere to get them from I'd be really grateful. 

In the mean time here's the front of the butterfly card I'm hoping to find an envelope for...